Registered Charity No: 1072368
Building a community spirit, safety in numbers and working together to reduce crime and the disproportionate fear of crime in Bexley, one of London's safest boroughs.
Bexley Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association All general enquiries email: Tele: Mobile No. 07496 385471
Bexley Community Safety Partnership To report anti-social behaviour or other similar acts. Tele: 020 8303 7777
Bexley Crime Hotline ( Anonymous ) To report crimes in confidence and anonymously Tele: 020 8284 9234
Crimestoppers An independent UK-wide charity working to stop crime. Tele: 0800 555 111 (freephone )
London Borough of Bexley Contact Centre Tele: 020 8303 7777
POLICE For NON-EMERGENCY calls e.g. your car has been stolen; your property has been damaged; you suspect drug use/dealing in your neighbourhood; report a minor traffic collision; give the police information about crime in your area; speak to the police about a general enquiry. If it is an EMERGENCY (e.g. crime in progress, danger or suspects in view) dial 999. Tele: 101

Downloadable Contact Lists
Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Teams May 2023 Directory of personnel in the 17 Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Ward Teams

General Enquiry

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